When we, who identify as Christians. vent our anger and hurt others, we are misrepresenting the one we claim to worship since He commanded us against it. This is a clear violation of the Second of the Ten Commandments.
Archives for 2023
Standing in grace
But grace is a hard concept for many of us. Or, at least, this is the conclusion I draw both from self-examination and observation of how others live.
Mercy over Judgement
We all fail to live up to the standard we have set for ourselves. We are all inconsistent in having our actions match what we claim to believe.
Whose way is blameless?
It was not until I was pretty far into adulthood that I really began to understand that perfect obedience is not the standard. Jesus came to do for us what we could not do for ourselves.
Dallas Willard on the Kingdom of the Heavens
“When we read scripture, we have to think about whether the people who wrote it might actually have meant something by it. They did! They are talking about the reality of the kingdom of the heavens—the stone that was cut out without hands and is going to wipe out all the nations of the earth […]
Weakness and Fear?
Church people, are we looking for leaders that trust God and are looking to Him for guidance? Are we looking for leaders who acknowledge their dependence upon God? Are we looking for leaders who will demonstrate what it looks like to walk in complete dependence?