Have you ever sat through a sermon on a Sunday, thinking that the preacher was doing well, only to walk away not remembering the point of the sermon? I have experienced a sermon or two after which I remembered the opening joke or a touching illustration but did not remember anything about the Biblical text for the message.
Archives for 2024
But what are they for so many?
There are so many problems in our culture that it is easy to become overwhelmed just by listening to the news. Certainly, to get improved ratings the news curators pick stories based on their shock value, so things are likely not as bad as what the media outlets portray. But still, our own experience validates […]
On Biblical Joy
In a recent sermon, I heard a definition of Biblical joy that I would like to share with you: Biblical joy is the conviction that God sovereignly controls the events of life for his glory and our good. I am writing this two days before the Presidential election in the United States. When this post […]
Chilling words from 100 years ago
J Gresham Machen published a book in the 1920s describing the challenge facing the church of his day. I’m finding that some of what he predicted as the result of cultural trends in his time is impressively applicable 100 years after his writing. For example, consider this paragraph: The whole development of modern society has […]
Not based on circumstances
What hit me this morning is that none of the conditions listed by Jesus are tied to the current situation of the one to be blessed. The conditions for blessing are internal and not external. They are based on choices we can make, not circumstances forced upon us.
Darkness and Light
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5, ESV I read the opening verses of John this morning and the phrase quoted above grabbed my attention. Later in the same Gospel, John records Jesus acknowledging that the world brings us plenty of tribulation and trouble (John 16:33) but […]