But, Jesus is the one who promised to build his church, and if we move away from the message he has given us to proclaim, then we have usurped his authority and gone rogue.
No fear in love . . .
In my previous post, I commented on internal fears that can influence how we approach life. I am becoming increasingly aware of the influence of fear in my own life. As I contemplated this issue, I was reminded of these verses: “There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear […]
Sincere and pure
There are many things to fear in a fallen, broken, and messed-up world. Nearly all of them are things that are beyond our control. These external forces can make us uncomfortable; if we are not careful, they can consume our emotional resources and leave us drained.
A proverb for all of us
By way of application, can we all commit to taking a deep breath while offering a prayer for wisdom before we share a tidbit about someone (gossip) or offer that bit of unsolicited advice (criticism).
I exhort you . . .
Commentators are nearly unanimously agree that Chapter 12 is a turning point in the Letter to the Romans by the Apostle Paul. In the first 11 chapters, Paul lays down foundational teaching regarding the nature of what it means to believe and trust in Jesus Christ for one’s salvation. There is so much there that […]
And the LORD spoke to Moses . . .
The phrase, “And the LORD spoke to Moses . . .” is repeated often in the book of Leviticus. That phrase introduces each new revelation from God to the nation of Israel. There have been times in my life when I have wished that God would just send a prophet to me to tell me […]