It is probable that most people that read this question in the catechism in 2016 zoom in on the words “in six days.” So let me say from the beginning that it is OK for believers to disagree on how the word day should be interpreted. Some hold to a literal 24 hour day and others think day represents a much longer period of time.
Scary Love
I recently saw a pair of Tweets by @GAfamily with the hashtags #scary and #love. (For those of you who are not into Twitter, using hashtags is a way of identifying key words so that someone searching on that word will find it) It struck me that these are two words that I would not […]
Genesis 3 – Sin and Separation
There is a sense of longing in the culture around us. Implicit in this longing is an acknowledgment that things are not as they should be. Artists, politicians and marketers all play to this longing. Where does this sense of longing come from? If we are “dancing to our DNA” or if we are random […]