Anyone who is old enough to have gotten past middle school has had or currently has someone in their life who is a critical voice. Perhaps it is a boss who uses putdowns to “motivate” his workers. Maybe the critical voice is from a parent or other family member. Teachers and fellow students might be ones that have harmed us by their words.
While we have been taught to quote the proverb, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” honesty requires that we admit this statement to be false.
Words can and do hurt.
Further damage occurs when we start to believe and act on those words. When we encounter lies said about us, we need to renounce them as lies and cling to what is true.
Yesterday, my Bible reading plan took me through the opening verses of Psalm 119 where I read this:
“Open my eyes so that I may contemplate wondrous things from your instruction.”
Psalm 119:18, CSB
As Christians, we believe that the Bible is God’s revelation to humanity and gives us a proper understanding of how He views us. Therefore, it is important to read the Bible to allow us to gain a proper perspective on who we are and what we should be about.
At times, I can read the words without allowing them to penetrate the lies that have accumulated around me through the years. But when I allow myself to be amazed, when I allow myself to see “wondrous things,” then my Scripture reading helps me see who I really am as a Christian.
But I need help to do this which is why the verse quoted above is a great prayer before reading the Bible.