If you are at all interested in learning to present the claims of Christ to others, this is a book that would be worth reading. Wallace’s writing style is engaging and he presents concepts clearly. I also like that whenever he uses a technical term, he includes a side bar explaining the term.
When God’s Word Speaks
Wycliffe Bible Translators recently released a collection of stories about how the Bible has transformed people throughout the years. The volume is called When God’s Word Speaks and is available from Wycliffe’s Web Site for $15.95 plus shipping.
Cold-Case Christianity for Kids
I was recently sent a copy of Cold-Case Christianity for Kids by J. Warner Wallace and Susie Wallace. I have previously reviewed (and recommended) two of Wallace’s earlier works, Cold-Case Christianity and God’s Crime Scene so I knew going in that I was likely to enjoy this book also.
God’s Crime Scene – Book Endorsement
God’s Crime Scene is a book that I know I will re-read and refer to as part of my apologetics library. If you have any interest at all in knowing where the evidence point with regard to the beginning of the universe, I strongly recommend that you pick up a copy of this book.
Book Review: From God to Us by Geisler and Nix
This post is a review of the book, From God to Us by Geisler and Nix. A work that should be on the shelves of any serious Bible student.
Book Review: Cold Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace
A while ago, J. Warner Wallace approached me about doing a review of his book, Cold Case Christianity. I was aware of his work as a result of reading the Cold Case Christianity Blog and was interested in reading the book so agreed to to the review. Read on to get my thoughts on the book.