I sometimes wonder how Christians would be viewed if every interaction would be restrained by these three goals. I would think that fewer people would think the church to be a bunch of judgmental hypocrites if these were followed.
Racism, Christians and the NFL – For what it’s worth . . .
Rather than fueling the divide between people, Christians should be at the forefront of those who are trying to bring peace and reconciliation. Listening before sharing opinions, would be a good start toward bringing this about.
Offering some clarification
I want to offer some clarification about my previous post. My intent was not to criticize my friends for being upset about what was said in the sermon. There was nothing inherently wrong with feeling uncomfortable about a choice of words used in the pulpit.
On the need for a prophetic voice
The bottom line is that I need a prophetic voice in my life. So, I guess I’m OK with my pastor making me feel uncomfortable. Perhaps in this I am in a minority.
Easter should blow our minds
But this is exactly what we celebrate at Easter. Jesus came back from being dead and caused a stir in Jerusalem one Sunday morning. This event should cause us to ask all sorts of questions if we are really connecting with what happened.
What I’ve been doing instead of blogging
Those who regularly read this blog have probably realized that over the last year, posts have been rather sporadic. I took a long break between Memorial Day and Labor Day and haven’t posted very regularly since coming back to it in September. I thought I would take a few minutes to tell you what has […]