Human institutions must put their continuance as a very high if not the highest, priority. They must promote the organization’s welfare over the benefit of one of the members. Members who don’t contribute to the institution’s success are forced out for the good of the entire group.
New is always better?
One thing that I have noticed in those who are pushing for what they call progress, is that they are usually tolerant of anything new and intolerant of anyone who questions their new idea. For the sake of this discussion I will call them progressives. I have encountered progressives in the political realm and I […]
Easter Greetings 2021
It has been nearly two whole months since I’ve posted. I hope that this note finds you well and I also hope that you have been encouraged by your celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The short reason I haven’t written in a while is that I felt like I had nothing to say […]
On the value of good preaching
We should expect our preacher to communicate to himself and to us the diagnosis that God makes upon our condition and the corrective action that God prescribes. We don’t need or want the preacher to interfere with this process by filtering out the inconvenient or disturbing bits.
Before you hit send . . .
While the angry, “I guess I showed them” type of response may be gratifying in the moment, it doesn’t help in the long run. Such a response brings division which grieves the Lord who died to bring unity.
Some Reflections Concerning Thanksgiving
As I sit and reflect on the value of a day dedicated to giving thanks many thoughts come to mind.