I don’t often do blog re-posts, but this is one I have to pass on. Below are the first six signs as related by Jose Bosque in the article of the title “12 Signs of a Controlling Church Pastor”:
- First, he acts like he is the Source and the Owner of the Vision.
- He travels but you don’t. It all about you helping him achieve “his Ministry”. He travels because he loves the worship given to Americans in third world countries.
- He is not a Gatekeeper; he is more like a Prison warden. No one has permission to go anywhere except where he says, when he says.
- He refuses to release the people to God’s call in their life. He talks a good talk, but reality is there is a human junkyard of those he has blacklisted.
- He is always training you for ministry but you never graduate because you never quite measure up. The truth is he is only interested in spectators for His next Wow-teaching. It’s a power trip! He “needs” to be heard.
- The only legitimate ministry is that which is hyper-linked to him and to the name of his ministry. It’s about a name rather than about Jesus.
If you would like to read the remainder of the article to view the remaining six signs, please click on this link: 12 Signs of a Controlling Church Pastor.
My advice to anyone who is under the leadership of such a pastor is to run and do not look back. You may not become a pillar of salt if you look back, but looking back may cause you to be trapped into thinking that parts of this pastor’s behavior are normal and/or admirable. While they might be considered normal due to the frequency of occurrence, they are not normal when viewed as to how God wants church leaders to operate. Read 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 and see if you think that this type of church leadership is acceptable.
It isn’t.