Some links to articles I found interesting or helpful and you might like to read and share.
Some links to consider – 8/19/2014
Some links to articles I found interesting or helpful.
Some links to consider – 8/13/2014
Most of the stuff I read on the internet I get through RSS subscriptions and I scan through that list using Feedly. When I find an article or post that I like, I often will post links to that article on social media. I’m rethinking that strategy and will occasionally post a list of articles that speak to the issues that the church is facing, theological discussion or other topics that could be helpful to the readers of Attempts at Honesty. This is the first such post.
12 Signs of a Controlling Church Pastor
I don’t often do blog re-posts, but this is one I have to pass on. Below are the first six signs as related by Jose Bosque in the article of the title “12 Signs of a Controlling Church Pastor” with a link for you to read the other six.
Drinking from a fire hose – four good apologetics blogs to follow
There are so many good writers on the ‘net. To narrow it down, I provide a list of four of my favorite Christian apologetics blogs for your consideration
Attempts at Honesty at FaithVillage
Attempts at Honesty has had two posts published at Check out these posts and the other resources at this up-and-coming site.