“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
John 1:5, ESV
I read the opening verses of John this morning and the phrase quoted above grabbed my attention.
Later in the same Gospel, John records Jesus acknowledging that the world brings us plenty of tribulation and trouble (John 16:33) but also tells us we can be of good cheer despite that trouble.
We have difficulties in relationships, health challenges, financial challenges, and sometimes life is just difficult. On top of that, we have a culture in the West that is increasingly hostile to Christian belief and practice.
In my country, we are months away from a Presidential election where one of the candidates is a reputed womanizer and certainly a bully and the other openly promotes abortion and policies that lead to the breakdown of the family. When I listen to the news or hear ads from the candidates, I want to put my hands over my ears and scream, “la, la, la, la.”
Darkness seems to be increasing.
But then there is Jesus, the Light of the World, shining in the darkness.
John reminds me that the only response to the darkness is to focus on and walk toward the light. If I keep my eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2) and remember that not only will he come again and set things right, he is now with me even in the hard things (Matthew 28:20), then I can maintain equilibrium and have some sense of peace.
The darkness cannot overcome the light.
That promise is like a life preserver that keeps me afloat when adrift on the water of this culture.