I recently got a tweet which said, “Live with the end in mind but remember it’s the journey that matters in the end.”
Without thinking, we might ingest this statement and think it says something helpful. Yet, it is not the journey that matters in the end. A pleasant journey to a wrong destination is a tragedy. The destination is what matters in the end.
There is a measure of truth in this statement. Being finite in our knowledge and wisdom, we often find that detours are forced upon us that end up being pleasant in the end. Enjoyment of the journey is one of the blessings of life.
Ravi Zacharias points out that every world view must address four core issues:
- Origen – Where do I come from?
- Meaning – What gives life value?
- Morality – How do I judge right from wrong”?
- Destiny – Toward what end should I be moving?
Destiny is an important question and no high sounding platitude can sweep this question aside. It must be considered. It is never too late.