In Acts 19:21, Paul expresses a desire to go to Rome as part of his missionary efforts. Paul did eventually get to Rome but it is unlikely that he envisioned that he would enter Rome as a prisoner of the state and remain there under house arrest.
In the Epistles that Paul wrote while in prison in Rome, there is not one hint of self pity, nor of antipathy for the authorities in Rome. Paul had a strong sense of being right where God wanted him and his contentment with this is evident in his writings.
Perhaps the secret to contentment is in accepting the fact that my limited knowledge and wisdom do not allow me to always understand what is best for me. If the giants of the faith went through difficulties, I should not expect that I will be exempt. The difficulties are allowed by God for His purposes and by accepting them as being ordained by Him, I can then participate in the unfolding of God’s plan, for myself and for humanity.
While I cannot articulate it very well, I feel there is something more here than mere resignation to the fact that problems will happen. We are enjoined to rejoice while going through suffering. This goes beyond acceptance into participation with God in the difficulty.
In retrospect, I can see that the difficult bits of my life have been used by God to change me for the better. They have also have allowed me to be put into a better position to be used by Him for His glory.
In Matthew 28:20, Jesus promises to be with each of us, no matter what it is that he takes us through. Therefore, I can rest in the fact that I am not alone in any difficulty. In addition, I can be assured that there will be a day when there will be no more difficulties. What a glorious day that will be, but until then I will choose to learn to rejoice in the midst of trials.