In a previous post, I outlined the problem of division in the church. Today I seek to discuss the reasons why it takes place. I can think of four reasons why church leaders cause division over non-essentials: pride, misunderstanding, insecurity and idolatry.
He sat down to teach – Sermon on the Mount Series #2
The beginning of the Sermon on the Mount: 1 When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain; and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. 2 He opened His mouth and began to teach them . . .” (Matthew 5:1-2 NASB) At the end of chapter 4, Matthew informs us […]
Dr. Luke Investigates
Our pastor is preaching through the Gospel of Luke on Sunday Mornings. During the sermon yesterday a thought struck me. Luke was a physician which is why he sometimes gives very detailed descriptions of the infirmities of those who came to Jesus for healing. The “aha” moment for me yesterday was when I realized that […]