The story of Gideon has been on my mind all day today. If you are not familiar with Gideon, the story can be found beginning in Judges 6.
In particular, I have wondered about what Gideon was feeling before the angel showed up to call him into action. I find Gideon’s response to the angel fascinating:
“Gideon said to him, “Please, my lord, if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened? And where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about? They said, ‘Hasn’t the LORD brought us out of Egypt?’ But now the LORD has abandoned us and handed us over to Midian.”
Judges 6:13, CSB
Was Gideon feeling a little overwhelmed by life? Did he feel like he had been abandoned? Did he think life was more than he could handle?
Gideon asked many of the questions we ask in life.
Recently, in our church life group, each member gave a brief synopsis of his or her life emphasizing the story of how we came to faith and where we are in our walk with Jesus.
What surprised me most about the testimonies was that every one of us had some significant difficulties in life that left some emotional scars. None of us had a perfect, nor an easy, life.
Jesus said in John 16:33, “You will have tribulation.” A promise that I have found to be more accurate than I would like.
In the midst of those trials, it can feel like God has abandoned us. We can ask the same question as Gideon, “why has all this happened to us?”
But God had not abandoned Gideon, nor has he abandoned us. Need I remind you of what the entire verse of John 16:33 says?
“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.”
John 16:33, CSB
Our response to the suffering is to be courageous. In seven instances in the New Testament, we are encouraged to “stand firm” amid difficulties and trials.
How can we do this? Only because we know that Jesus has conquered the world and will one day make it all right.
Stand Firm!
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