Formalism on the one hand, and rationalism on the other, which are but other names for the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees, have in every age been the Church’s insidious enemies.
Clinging to the rope
We are kept by a power not our own! Praise God that we don’t have to figure everything out. All we have to do is cling to Jesus.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones on COVID-19?
I read this paragraph by Martyn Lloyd-Jones which was originally published in 1953. I couldn’t help but think that what Lloyd-Jones has written speaks to the current crisis caused by COVID-19. Let us not therefore be stumbled when we see surprising things happening in the world. Rather let us ask, ‘What is the relevance of […]
A Challenge from Os
I was challenged by this paragraph and thought I would share it: The faith-world of John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, John Jay, William Wilberforce, Hannah More, Lord Shaftsbury, Catherine Booth, Hudson Taylor, D. L. Moody, Charles Spurgeon, Oswald Chambers, Andrew Murray, Carl Henry, and John Stott is disapearing. In its place a new evangelicalism is arriving […]
Os Guinness on Progressivism
In some churches, the words tradition or traditional are used in a pejorative sense. Anything that smacks of tradition is considered harmful to the desire to grow a large church. And since bigger is always better, tradition cannot be good.
Theology vs. Experience?
There are some who would downplay theology and doctrine in favor of renewed experience of the power of God. “It’s not about doctrine” is a phrase that I’ve heard a few times within Christian circles. I found this quote from Tim Keller helpful when thinking about theology vs. experience: “We are not called to choose […]