I read this paragraph by Martyn Lloyd-Jones which was originally published in 1953. I couldn’t help but think that what Lloyd-Jones has written speaks to the current crisis caused by COVID-19.
Let us not therefore be stumbled when we see surprising things happening in the world. Rather let us ask, ‘What is the relevance of this event to the kingdom of God?’ Or, if strange things are happening to you personally, don’t complain, but say, ‘What is God teaching me through this? What is there in me that needs to be corrected? Where have I gone wrong and why is God allowing these things?’ There is a meaning in them if only we can see it. We need not become bewildered and doubt the love or the justice of God. If God were unkind enough to answer some of our prayers at once, and in our way, we should be very impoverished Christians. Fortunately, God sometimes delays his answer in order to deal with selfishness or things in our lives which should not be there. He is concerned about us, and intends to fit us for a fuller place in his kingdom. We should therefore judge every event in the light of God’s great, eternal and glorious purpose.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones in Faith Tried and Triumphant
Lloyd-Jones refers to “surprising things happening in the world.” There has been nothing more surprising in my lifetime than the current COVID-19 pandemic. Its worldwide scope in addition to the local impact cannot be compared with anything else that I have experienced.
There is so much to notice in the quoted paragraph. Rather than provide my own commentary, I would prefer to have readers offer their own in the comment section below. Please tell me what you think.