I have had a few discussions lately with people that have struggled with the tension between law and grace. This is not a new question, and the Bible does have some things to say to us as we work out how to navigate through this tension. There are many issues on which the Bible is […]
The Idol of Perfectionism
I have been challenged to confront my tendency to hold a standard for myself that is unrealistic and idolatrous. I have struggled with attempting to be perfect in some areas of my life. What is wrong with holding a high goal? I’m glad you asked. The problem comes when I start avoiding people and activities […]
Four Lessons From the Resurrection
The four lessons It is Easter Sunday 2011, the day which commemorates the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. I insert the adjective “bodily” to distinguish myself from those who would understand the resurrection story to be nothing more than a metaphor for renewal and hope. In 1 Corinthians 15:14, the Apostle Paul tells us that […]
Great Packaging + Great Product = Integrity
As consumers we know that beautiful packaging does not guarantee the quality of the product inside. The photo on the box often looks much better than the content. On the other hand, with the rise of store brands, we know that good stuff can be found in very plain packages. Visually stunning packaging is done […]
Toward an Understanding of Christian Stewardship
The main word that is translated steward is οἰκονόμος (oikonomos), a compound of the words for house (οἶκος) and law (νόμος). It literally means one who rules over a household. Therefore a steward is one who manages his masters assets for the master’s benefit. A steward manages the assets of another. Therefore the first question […]
Religion of The Senses
The reading for today in the devotional book that my wife and I go through together was the opening verses of Mark 14. In that chapter are recoded events which happened two days before Jesus was crucified. In one story we are told that Mary poured Nard on Jesus’ head. This was an extravagant act, […]