A little while ago, I got a tweet in response to one of my posts, letting me know that a reader’s protection software identified Attempts at Honesty as being infected with a virus. In checking on this, it was found to be true. Thanks to the excellent support of Nate at Davis Services Group, we […]
Summer is over already?
Traditionally, in the USA, Labor Day (the first Monday in September) marks the end of the summer vacation season. It is also the time when students go back to school and in this blogger get back to blogging. We marked some significant events this summer. We gained two sons-in-law this summer. In August, we had […]
Have a great summer
I have decided that this will be my last post until September. Call it a vacation, call it a sabbatical, call it whatever you will, I will be taking a break.
Tinkering with Attempts at Honesty
In an effort toward continuous improvement, I am constantly tinkering with the structure of Attempts at Honesty. Specifically, I want to make it easier for people to comment on posts. Over the years I have tried a variety of comment plugins. Disqus, Livefyre and Jetpack were some of the plugins that I have tried but […]
Learning as I go . . .
This is an apology to many of you who get posts from Attempts at Honesty by email. I made a mistake and I’m sorry for it. WordPress (the platform I use to manage the blog) uses plugins to add functionality. I had been using one plugin that provided many functions that I didn’t use so I […]
What bloggers like
I realize that everyone is busy. I also realize that not every post requires a comment. But if a post stimulates a thought, take a few moments and wrote a comment which expresses that thought. The post writer will appreciate it and any subsequent readers will be better for it.