When those outside the church criticize our lack of love and hypocrisy, we respond as if we are being persecuted. But much of the perceived “persecution” is self-inflicted. We are rightly condemned by the culture around us when we fail to represent Jesus well.
On hypocrisy in the church
One common objection to Christianity is that there is hypocrisy in the church. It would be wrong to deny this charge so how then should we respond?
Yes, that is a log in my eye, thank-you
Jesus used a humorous illustration to caution us against finding fault with our brothers. We must first remove the log from our own eye.
Numbering our days: a reflection on Psalm 90
In Psalm 90, the psalmist prays that we might learn to number our days. Is this a call to get busy or is there some other meaning? How should we understand this prayer?
Great Packaging + Great Product = Integrity
As consumers we know that beautiful packaging does not guarantee the quality of the product inside. The photo on the box often looks much better than the content. On the other hand, with the rise of store brands, we know that good stuff can be found in very plain packages. Visually stunning packaging is done […]