Whether or not we have the support of the current Pharaoh, Prime Minister or President, the church is called to be countercultural.
Numbering our days: a reflection on Psalm 90
In Psalm 90, the psalmist prays that we might learn to number our days. Is this a call to get busy or is there some other meaning? How should we understand this prayer?
The danger of relying on talent
King Jeroboam is an example of what happens when a man relies on his own talent rather than on the God who gave him the talent. The result is not pretty. We face the same choice today.
When God makes you wait in the wilderness. . .
Caleb had to wait 45 years in the wilderness before he would gain the inheritance promised to him. The delay was caused by others’ sin and not his own. He could have spent the time in bitterness and complaint, but it appears that he did not. How?
What if we lived out what we say we believe?
A woman beginning her ninth decade laughs when she is told that she will bear a son. Her husband is ten years her senior which adds to the seeming impossibility. In response to her laughter, God asks Abraham a question, “is anything too hard for the LORD?” (Genesis 18:14)
That same question remains for us.
Absent From the Great Banquet
The Banquet Table is Set Luke 14:16-24 records the parable of the Great Banquet. The main point of the story is that the invited guests gave lame excuses as to why they could not attend. In the place of the original invitees, the dregs of society are then persuaded to enter into the feast. Jesus […]