But if ever men’s dreams of peace and loveliness, and greatness and satisfaction, are to be realized, they can find their realization only in Jesus Christ.
Crowds and compassion
While we might view a crowd as an inconvenience, Jesus viewed the crowd as an opportunity to meet their physical and spiritual needs. There is much we can learn from Jesus’ feeding of the 4,000 as recorded in Mark 8.
Numbering our days: a reflection on Psalm 90
In Psalm 90, the psalmist prays that we might learn to number our days. Is this a call to get busy or is there some other meaning? How should we understand this prayer?
What you build and how you build it matters to God
With 60% of young people walking away from the church, we must evaluate the foundation on which we build and how well we build upon it. The eternal destiny of the next generation is at stake and we cannot afford to continue with such a high failure rate. We must do better.
Rev. Emily C. Heath: Jesus, Bullies on the Bus and the Rest of Us
Rev. Heath published a piece in the Huffington Post which purports to give a Christian response to bullies. I have two points of challenge for Rev. Heath. One based on something she didn’t say and one based on something she did say.
Social media and the need for validation
I read a where a social media guru recently said something to the effect of, “there are two types of people involved in social media, those who want more followers and those who are lying about it.” With the advent of social media, there is a danger in finding our validation in follower counts. Where should our validation come from?