That Jesus loved us enough to “tabernacle among us” (John 1:14) should blow our minds. That his did so for the purpose of dying to redeem us adds to the “amazingness” of the whole plan.
Confessions of a man-pleaser (idol worhipper)
I could blame it on the church of my youth . . . or, I could just face the fact that I am an idolater at heart and have made an idol out of the approval of others.
The balance between worship, service and fellowship
The Balance For a church to be healthy, each believer must have opportunity to participate in worship, service and fellowship. Some definitions are in order. First, when I refer to worship, I am speaking of the activities of the congregation when we come together on Sunday morning. We worship through singing and the teaching of […]
Why do we make church so complicated?
Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:28-30 that his yoke is easy and his burden is light. Why then do we make church so complicated? We have programs and activities that would make the average cruise ship activities director envious. We have men’s groups, women’s groups, singles groups, youth groups, coffee shops, concerts, ministry days, outreach […]
No Other Gods . . .
The drive to worship is deep in the heart of humanity. For evidence of this we need to look no further than any stadium in which an NFL game is being played. The energy behind the worship of the professional football team in the city near which I live is impressive. On game day during […]
When art becomes idolatry
A visit to just about any of the churches in Rome will allow the visitor to see brilliant works of art. Much time and money has been invested in statuary, paintings, mosaics, and marble decor among other artistic delights. There are representations of Biblical scenes and people; there are also statues of former church leaders […]