The way Christians live should give evidence of the truth of Easter. The way Christians live should also give people a foretaste of what life will be like when Jesus comes back to make everything right.
N. T. Wright on Death and Tyrants
Death is the last weapon of the tyrant, and the point of the resurrection, despite much misunderstanding, is that death has been defeated.
Farewell to a neighbor: Four lessons I learn from his death
The unexpected sadness at the death of a problematic neighbor prompts four observations concerning his life and death. He was a pain when he was alive, but I am surprised that at hearing the news of his death I am more sad than relieved. Read on to discover why.
Thoughts on death prompted by my dog
I understand that the decline and death of a dog is not a major event in the larger scheme of things. But, our 10 year old golden retriever is having health issues and it is difficult to watch. Compared to the loss of a spouse, parent, sibling or child, this is a very small hurt, but a real one none-the-less.
Thoughts prompted by Ed Stetzer on the Death of Christopher Hitchens
Recently I sat next to a well dressed man on an airplane. I engaged in some small talk with him while everyone was getting seated. I had noticed an Ohio State logo on his cell phone so we discussed his excitement about Urban Meyer taking over the football program. As he sat down, he pulled […]
To death and beyond . . .
Perhaps it is only my warped sense of humor, but this strikes me as funny. The Pharisees preferred Lazarus dead rather than have him there to challenge their beliefs. The Pharisees, who thought themselves a light to the nation, could not tolerate the presence of one whose very existence was a critique of their life and practice.