I have been amazingly indecisive about which comment system I use on this blog. I have tried the native Wordpress system, Disqus, Intense Debate, Livefyre and one or two others. Currently, I am back with Disqus.
Why I switched from Bufferapp to Timely for Tweet buffering
I recently made the switch from using Bufferapp as my primary mechanism for Tweet buffering. I now use Timely for reasons discuss here.
4 Reasons Why I Dropped Disqus Comment System From My Blog
After about 3 minutes of internet research on the subject, I decided to no longer use the Disqus comment system on this blog. I had no serious problems with Disqus. The service was free and it worked well. Yet, I found some reasons to turn off Disqus and I think they are strong enough to […]
A Real Sense of Community
A few days ago I read a story about a man with 100,000 Twitter followers who took his own life. I know nothing about his history or the reasons behind the suicide. But I am struck by sadness that none of the 100,000 “friends” was close enough to prevent this tragedy. I often hear that […]
6 Reasons for a Church to Engage via Social Media
Social media appear to be here to stay. The church has the responsibility to use social media tools to fulfill her mission. This post provides 6 reasons in support of the use of social media.
When to use the delete key
Twitter, Facebook, blogs and other communication tools enhance the speed of disseminating thoughts and information. The question I ask myself this morning is how do I determine what is worth communicating? Is there a test which determines when the delete key should be used? I believe that Paul gives us such a test in 1 […]