I read a where a social media guru recently said something to the effect of, “there are two types of people involved in social media, those who want more followers and those who are lying about it.” With the advent of social media, there is a danger in finding our validation in follower counts. Where should our validation come from?
Why I switched from Bufferapp to Timely for Tweet buffering
I recently made the switch from using Bufferapp as my primary mechanism for Tweet buffering. I now use Timely for reasons discuss here.
A Real Sense of Community
A few days ago I read a story about a man with 100,000 Twitter followers who took his own life. I know nothing about his history or the reasons behind the suicide. But I am struck by sadness that none of the 100,000 “friends” was close enough to prevent this tragedy. I often hear that […]
It Ain’t About the Numbers – 6 Thoughts Toward Staying on Track
I have found that in having an on-line presence, it is easy to get caught up in a numbers game. How many followers do I have? How may hits have there been on the blog? What is my blog ranking? In our connected world, we have what seems like an infinite supply of data at […]
A Twitter Milestone
I’m relatively new to Twitter, but I did just passed a milestone. This morning I sent out my 1,000th Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/mhmcintyre/status/65411548939681796 In the grand scheme of things, this is not a huge accomplishment. But I do believe that social media are going to be around for a while and the Church needs to employ them […]
6 Reasons for a Church to Engage via Social Media
Social media appear to be here to stay. The church has the responsibility to use social media tools to fulfill her mission. This post provides 6 reasons in support of the use of social media.