In Matthew 23:13-33, there are recorded eight woes that Jesus pronounced upon the “scribes and Pharisees.” Jesus is harsh in his criticism as he unloads on his antagonists. The danger is that we can read these woes in a way that is not helpful or appropriate. If we take an us/them approach to these woes, […]
Defeating my inner Pharisee
Why do the Gospel writers spend so much ink on the Pharisees? What is the lesson we gain from this?
Truth – the antidote to shame
Christians are to be followers of the Truth. Truth dispels shame and as a result, shame should not be a part of any church culture.
Thoughts on Pharisaism inspired by Wendell Berry
Wendell Berry’s essay entitled “Damage” inspired thoughts about how church leaders can without intention cause damage by falling into the errors of Pharisaism.
Beware the leaven . . . thoughts on contemplative prayer
Contemplative prayer has become a hot topic. My concern is that by applying labels and generalities we miss an opportunity to learn and grow. The danger is that we throw out the wheat along with the chaff.
Purity of heart is the means of seeing God
The Beatitude tells us that the pure in heart will see God. What does this purity look like and how will it assist vision of God? When will this vision be manifested?