Jesus states we must be more righteous than the scribes and Pharisees to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. How is this possible? Why would Jesus say this?
Righteousness, Scribes and Pharisees
Jesus told his disciples that to enter Heaven, their righteousness would have to surpass that of the Pharisees. How could this be done? Should we throw in the towel or is there an answer to this problem?
Truth – the antidote to shame
Christians are to be followers of the Truth. Truth dispels shame and as a result, shame should not be a part of any church culture.
Hunger and Thirst for the Right Thing
In the 4th Beatitude, Jesus tells us that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. What does this mean for today?
Absent From the Great Banquet
The Banquet Table is Set Luke 14:16-24 records the parable of the Great Banquet. The main point of the story is that the invited guests gave lame excuses as to why they could not attend. In the place of the original invitees, the dregs of society are then persuaded to enter into the feast. Jesus […]