The point of this ramble is that God redeems all of life, even the aspects of life that seem to have no eternal value. To be faithful in a difficult or boring job is as much an act of grace as teaching a Bible study.
My reluctant New Year’s Resolutions
My experience is that resolutions are likely to be broken or forgotten before the end of January. Yet I am going on record with 5 of them. Read mine and share a few of your own.
Where preaching goes awry
Preaching which provides information without pushing for transformation does not build the church. In this post we identify why true preaching calls us into deeper relationship.
Jesus and the law: What can we learn?
Jesus tells us that no part of the Old Testament law will fall away before it is fulfilled. What does this mean and how should we respond? Do we need to change how we approach the law and how we teach it?
On baskets, bread and the next generation
All the disciples were required to do was to get bread from Jesus and carry it in baskets to the people. We need to carry the gospel to our youth. We need to possess it and understand it before we can impart it to the next generation.
5 Tests to assess disciple making in the Church
The church is called to make disciples. How can we assess how well we are doing in this endeavor? Here are 5 tests to aid in assessment. Read on and provide comment as to what else can be done to assess discipleship.