The church is not an organization that is built to eventually fail. In fact, when Jesus gave us our mission of making disciples, he also told us that he would be with us as we do it. Jesus began it, Jesus sustains it, and Jesus will complete what he started.
On megachurch pastors and failure
The problem I see in society is that we have a celebrity culture which ascribes superhuman status to the lucky (or unlucky depending on your perspective) few who have been deemed celebrities. Celebrities can do no wrong and they always seem to get the benefit of the doubt.
Failure: The Unintended Consequence of Success
This is a guest post by Todd Pylant whose biographical information appears in the author box below this post. If you would like to provide a guest post to Attempts at Honesty, please see the guest post guidelines and contact me if you are interested in providing a post. The writer of Hebrews demonstrated faith […]
Dealing with apparent failure in apologetics
If some could witness the miracles of Jesus and remain unconvinced and unconverted, we would be foolish to think that everyone will respond to our presentation and defense of the Gospel. The will overrides the intellect when dealing with matters of faith and world view. If the lack of response is an indication of failure, it is a failure that Jesus also experienced.
Responding to the Dinesh D’Souza controversy – 4 things to keep in mind
Dinesh D’Souza has been in the news recently. He is accused of improprieties. How should the church evaluate and respond to these accusations?
A failure to launch: 5 failures to avoid in implementing strategy
Good strategy can be thwarted by bad implementation. In this, the church fares no better than business. What should leaders consider as they present changes to the organization.