The church is called to make disciples. How can we assess how well we are doing in this endeavor? Here are 5 tests to aid in assessment. Read on and provide comment as to what else can be done to assess discipleship.
An ordinary guy involved in extraordinary things
Joseph as an ordinary guy. Because he did the right thing, he was used by God to accomplish something extraordinary. We have the same opportunity be used by God.
Power and authority in the church – Choose who is in control
Herod was giving an opportunity to choose to submit to the ultimate authority. Similarly, church leaders must choose who is in control. Some choose well and others badly. The choice has serious consequences.
A. W. Tozer on activity in the Church
I share a quote by A. W. Tozer in the Pursuit of God. In 1949 Tozer thought the church was missing something, it is still lost.
The God of new beginnings and second chances
Failure is a normal part of life. How does God respond to our failures? He gives a second chance and gives us the power to do better.
On wineskins, graves, garlic, leeks and onions
When a new work is started, the newness brings with it a level of discomfort. We often refer to the old system as tried-and-true, even if the results were less than optimal. The danger is that the new work will be hobbled by those who are determined to force the new work into the old pattern. I have seen this tendency in industry and I’ve seen it in the church.