As a result of the decision to leave my previous church, I determined that there are 6 things that are critical for the health of the church. They can be found in the original article which was published at Till He Comes, the blog of Jeremy Myers.
5 Tests to assess disciple making in the Church
The church is called to make disciples. How can we assess how well we are doing in this endeavor? Here are 5 tests to aid in assessment. Read on and provide comment as to what else can be done to assess discipleship.
Ed Stetzer – Legalism, “The Help,” and a “Woman’s Place”
I haven’t seen “The Help”, it really didn’t seem that interesting to me. But I like what Ed Stetzer says in this blog post and offer the link for your edification. Legalism is dangerous and inhibits spiritual growth. Ed Stetzer – Legalism, “The Help,” and a “Woman’s Place”.