I have read a lot of self help articles about being a good leader. But most of them have it all wrong. Why can I say that? It is because most people have a wrong view of what it takes to become a leader.
Up or down – Elevation or False Humility
The Apostle Paul enjoins us to think others more important than ourselves. We can either elevate others or practice false humility.
Humility wins the day – The humble will be exalted
Luke 18 records the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Only one of them left the Temple forgiven, the one who expressed humility
Why are you provoked? A Lesson from the Apostle Paul
Acts 17:16 records that when the Apostle Paul arrived in Athens, “his spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols.” Lots of things provoke me; I assume that is true for you also. The challenge that I get from reading about the Apostle Paul is that I […]
Choose To Be A Servant: Example of Nebuchadnezzar
Nebuchadnezzar had been an eyewitness to several miracles, yet he remained proud and self-reliant. In this section of Daniel 4 we see that God reduced him from his throne to eating grass in the field like a wild animal. Nebuchadnezzar was taken from being arguably the most powerful man in the world to a homeless madman.