I recently read a post by Jill Carattini of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. In the post she discusses the reason for the popularity of forensic criminal science dramas on television such as CSI, NCIS and Bones. The shows center around the desire to find out what really happened to the victim and to bring the […]
Hard Headed but Soft Hearted
In Matthew 10:16, Jesus enjoins his disciples to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. John describes Jesus as being “full of grace and truth” in John 1:14. Both of these verse show that we are to be precise and determined in our thinking but open and gracious in our behavior toward others. To […]
Pilate – Asking The Question for the 21st Century
“What is truth?” is the question that Pilate asked Jesus at the conclusion of his interview. Was this question asked in an effort to push aside what must have been a very uncomfortable meeting? Or, was this a real question, coming from one who had seen and been wounded by the collision of world views […]
Unrighteous Indignation
I am reminded of James 1:20 which tells me that my anger does not produce the righteousness of God. What prompts the mention of this verse is that I found myself a couple of times this week regretting some comments I made on articles and blog posts. My issue is not so much what I […]
Truth Whack a Mole
In reading the “new” atheists, I see confirmation of the Apostle Paul’s assertion that their unbelief is not due to the lack of evidence but the suppression of it. There is a large difference between those who are truly seeking answers to difficult questions and those who are unwilling to believe no matter what the […]